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Fleabubs & Lala


Nicola is the dyer and crochet hook crafter at Fleabubs & Lala. Hooks are ergonomic and available in a wide variety of styles and colors.

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Sample Accessories

To see all accessories by this maker, use the URL above.
These photos are presented to illustrate the maker's personal style and aesthetic. They may not reflect current stock.
  • Ergonomic crochet hook with undersea scene of plants, fish and a starfish.
    Undersea scene
  • Rainbow gradient ergonomic hooks, with glitter.
    Rainbow sparkles
  • Ergonomic hooks designed to depict the galaxy and stars.
  • Array of ergonomic hooks featuring cupcakes and petit fours.
    Cupcakes and petitfours



This maker offers the following items and qualities. To see other makers who offer the same, click the associated link below.
  • Knitting & Crochet: