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Skillfully Tangled – Steffi Wehrle


Skillfully Tangled logo with watercolor paint splashes.SkillfullyTangled offers small-batch hand-dyed yarns which are released as part of seasonal collections. Steffi is the owner and dyer behind SkillfullyTangled and a love of color is evident in the yarn. SkillfullyTangled is based in Switzerland.

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Sample Yarn/Fiber Gallery

To see all yarn/fiber by this maker, use the URL above.
These photos are presented to illustrate the maker's personal style and color aesthetic. They may not reflect current stock.
  • Variegated yarn next to chocolate chip cookies, which are in the same colors.
    Luskentyre Beach
  • Bright, variegated yarn next to chocolate chip cookies. They do not match.
  • Warm, medium varigated skeins with semisolid contrasting mini skein.
    Kilt-y Pleasures Sock Sets
  • Deepest cool purple to a gentle lavender, across five skeins.
    Amethyst Gradient



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