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A Hundred Ravens


A Hundred Ravens is a small studio in New Hampshire producing “amazing hand-dyed yarn.” Their definition of amazing holds up: consistent color, stability, no knots, consistent diameter, interesting fiber combinations, seasonal colorways, gradient sets, coordinating colorways and more. “There’s a lot of hand-dyed yarn out there. Our commitment is to be the best,” says A Hundred Ravens. Colors and colorways are beautiful here.

Follow on Instagram: @AHundredRavens
Follow on Facebook: @AHundredRavens

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Sample Yarn/Fiber Gallery

To see all yarn/fiber by this maker, use the URL above.
These photos are presented to illustrate the maker's personal style and color aesthetic. They may not reflect current stock.
  • gradient of minis from the deepest part of an iris to the stem, to the leaves.
    Bearded Iris Mini Set
  • Shiny, twisted skein in deep variegated colorway.
    Big Bad Riding Hood
  • Classic Wonder Woman colorway in muted medium tones
    Diana Prince
  • Gradient cake in warm colors from dark to light earth, then toward sunset colors.
    Tucson Patos



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