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Precision Technical Editing


Crafts edited:
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Summary: Complex shapes and constructions, garments in multiple sizes, socks. Experienced working with a wide variety of garments and accessories. Creation of charts and schematics.
Fee Structure: $25/hour. One hour minimum, billed by the 0.5 hour after the first one.
Additional Information: I've been tech editing since 2017 and have experience working with both well-known, established designers and new designers just starting to publish their own patterns.
Assists with: ,


Kate Atherley -
2017-present. Almost every self-published pattern released by Kate since 2017. One of the first patterns I ever tech edited was her motorcycle jacket, The Wild One - a good example of my ability to edit "weird" patterns.
Destiny Itano -
Yorisou, Power and Parallels, Lakes to Sound, Genus Tulipa, Peaks and Valleys Mitts
Kim McBrien Evans -
Radialactive, Endorphins

Yarn Database lists Tech Editors to provide a service to tech editors and designers. Listings do not constitute a recommendation by Yarn Database. Potential clients are responsible for determining whether an editor will meet their needs.