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Crafts edited:
Languages edited: , , ,
Summary: All knitted patterns.
Exclusions: No grading yet.
Fee Structure: First pattern free only for your feedback.
Additional Information: I've participated on the basic tech editing course of Carol Ibbetson and I'm at the very beginning of my way. Later I would like to take advanced tech editing course but I want to start the real work right now! So I decided to offer you first free tech editing of your rather easy patterns (shawls, hats, gloves etc.) just for your feedback. I'm able to work with patterns in English, German, Italian and French. My mother language is Czech so I'm not able to correct language style except of some grammar. Apart of tech editing I offer translations to Czech, too.


Arina Shmarova
Dipole Socks
Julee Mackessy
AshRose Shawlette Cowl

Yarn Database lists Tech Editors to provide a service to tech editors and designers. Listings do not constitute a recommendation by Yarn Database. Potential clients are responsible for determining whether an editor will meet their needs.