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Whitney Marie Anderson


“My main goal with my business is to have fun and learn more!” says designer and accessory maker Whitney Marie Anderson. “My second goal is to create things that showcase and celebrate the beauty of Black people. Since we are underrepresented in so many areas, I want to do my part to elevate and uplift our image in a positive way.” I love the bags made with fabrics Whitney designed.

Follow on YouTube: WhitneyMarieAnderson
Follow on Instagram: @WhitneyMarieAnderson

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Sample Accessories

To see all accessories by this maker, use the URL above.
These photos are presented to illustrate the maker's personal style and aesthetic. They may not reflect current stock.
  • Long, narrow zippered pouches in hand-drawn fabrics with contrasting liners.
    Slim Long Zippered Pouch
  • Vertical project bag with shoulder straps, perfect for a yarn cake and a sock project.
    Slip Deep Tote Bag
  • Diamond-shaped clay pin with the words Crafty B!tch in all caps.
    Crafty B!tch
  • Wooden bowl full of realistic progress keepers that look like Gummy Worm candies.
    Gummy Worm Progress Keepers



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