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Do you see a pattern emerging? Advertise with Yarn Database.

Advertise on Yarn Database

Your target market is here, and they’re in a shopping mood.

Yarn Database users are knitters, crocheters, weavers and spinners. They design knit and crochet patterns. They produce and dye yarns and spinning fiber. They are technical editors for knitting and crochet patterns. They create and sell fiber accessories. They are fiber industry entrepreneurs, creating specialized software, publications, podcasts, and educational websites.

Yarn Database’s readership is worldwide, with most users in North America and Western Europe, particularly the US and UK. Information about site traffic is available on request.

Placements and Rates


$5 pattern launch or collection launch special
Yarn Database designers or dyers pay a $5 flat fee for 30 days for either a sidebar or banner. Sign up for a free listing.

Top banner, 728 pixels wide x 90 pixels deep, rotation
$10 monthly, $27 quarterly, $100 yearly per image

Bottom banner, 728 pixels wide x 90 pixels deep, rotation
$8 monthly, $22 quarterly, $80 yearly per image

Large sidebar, 260 pixels wide by 300 pixels deep, fixed ad or exclusive rotation
$12 monthly, $33 quarterly, $120 yearly

Large sidebar, 260 pixels wide by 300 pixels deep, rotation
$7 monthly, $19 quarterly, $70 yearly per image

Small sidebar, 260 pixels wide by 150 pixels deep, fixed ad or exclusive rotation
$8 monthly, $22 quarterly, $80 yearly.

Small sidebar, 260 pixels wide by 150 pixels deep, rotation
$5 monthly, $14 quarterly, $50 yearly per image

General Information

Sidebar and top and bottom banner placements are available.

Banners offer a rotation option. Sidebar placements offer fixed, rotation, and exclusive rotation options. Ads appear sitewide.

Rotating ads change on page refresh. The rotation include images from other advertisers unless otherwise requested. Your exposure will depend on how many ads are currently in rotation. That information is available on request.

All pricing is in US dollars. After artwork is submitted or requested, you will receive an invoice with payment details. Payment must be in advance by Venmo, Zelle or PayPal (includes credit card option with no signup) unless other arrangements are made.

Design Assistance

Yarn Database can design your ad for a small onetime fee. Contact

How to Get Started

Send your artwork, desired placement and any questions to You will receive an invoice with payment details.


Yarn Database reserves the right to refuse ad space at its discretion.

Because its design has caused health issues for some users, Yarn Database does not accept advertising for sites with unmarked links to Ravelry. Any links to Ravelry on your site must be marked. See the FAQ for more details about linking to Ravelry.

They’re going to buy yarn somewhere … Advertise on Yarn Database.